To all our customers,
Our costs never include spare parts, civil engineering, transport or machinery maneuvers and never cover third party personnel intervention unless specifically mentioned on our quote.
All our prices are subject to our service policy.
Services are performed exceptionally on weekends and public holidays, subject to availability of our technicians and at a special rate.
The services provided by "EFD Asesoria y Consultoria, SA de CV" (EFD) are carried out in industrial environments, uncontrolled on complex equipment on which there is never a certainty of initial state.
Therefore, EFD can not be blamed for pre-existing faults, damage to electronic cards, parameter loss, short circuits due to the initial conditions of the components or previously undetected faults.
The minimum service fare and therefore the minimum charge for a service requested by the customer, no matter how short its duration is 4 hours for services performed less than 100 kilometers around the city of Queretaro.
If any additional expenses are required to perform the service, like planes tickets or car rental, it would be charged apart of our generic quotation.
If the customer requests a service before he is able to issue a purchase order, the signed service report constitute an acceptance document for the posterior quotation.
The service costs may vary depending on the availability of our technicians in your specific area or the need to relocate staff from another geographical area and would be added to the initial quotation.
Our service costs are updated annually and may be formally requested by email.
The service report is a commitment to payment by the customer upon signature.
The customer agrees to pay the hours reported in this report, cancelling any budget or quotation anterior to this report.
In the case of trainings, it is understandable that the training program will produce different results depending on each individual ease of learning and prior knowledge. Therefore the scope of any course is always imparting knowledge but EFD would never be held responsible for the lack of a student learning.
EFD is always characterized by its high level of commitment and we always try to exceed the expectations of our customers. For this reason and in order to always provide the best possible service, in justified cases, we require external outsource specialized technicians support for better resolution of your problem. If this situation generates additional cost, we will request your approval beforehand via email or written letter.
Mathieu Fresco