Thank you for visiting our website http://www.efd.mx (hereinafter "the website") Personal data that are requested on forms or any other media to his owner (hereinafter, "DATA") by Asesoria y Consultoria EFD, S.A. de C.V. residing at No. 17 South, industrial complex "PKCo", State Road 431, Km. 1 + 300, EJIDO THE COLORADO, CP 76246, El Marques, QUERETARO, MEXICO and / or its subsidiaries, affiliates or belonging to the same economic group (hereinafter “EFD”) will be used and protected in accordance with the provisions of the “Federal Law on Personal Data held by individuals and its regulations”. This privacy policy applies to any "DATA" that "EFD" will get through "the website" or by other electronic means, its representatives and forms prepared by “EFD” and showing a link to this policy. This policy does not apply to any "DATA" obtained from third-party resources that have a link with “EFD” and / or those in which "EFD" does not control the content or security practices of such resources. “EFD” requests data in order to use it for administrative, informative and / or commercial ends related to its social purpose.
Additionally, the "DATA" whose owner or legal representative (hereinafter "USER") provide may be shared with market research agencies duly authorized and contracted by "EFD" in the understanding that in any case these agencies are subject to confidentiality obligations. "The website" will not give this information to third parties, including those who may use it for marketing purposes unless the "USER" explicitly grant permission. Confidential "DATA" is guaranteed and the same are protected by measures of administrative, technical and physical safeguards to prevent damage, loss, alteration, destruction, use, access or improper disclosure. Only authorized persons have access to those “DATA”. The "DATA" may be provided to third parties only and strictly in the cases allowed by the “Federal Law on Personal Data held by individuals and its regulations” and described in Article 37 of this Act.
"EFD" may provide "DATA" to third parties in order to provide a product or service the "USER" has requested. According to the provisions of the “Federal Law on Personal Data held by individuals and its regulations”, "EFD " state that the "USER" have the right to access, change, cancel and oppose to the treatment the "DATA” receive, in this case the “USER” must submit an application in the terms set out in Article 29 of the “Federal Law on Personal Data held by individuals and its regulations” at the offices of "EFD" located No. 17 South, industrial complex "PKCo", State Road 431, Km. 1 + 300, EJIDO THE COLORADO, CP 76246, El Marques, QUERETARO, MEXICO having previously made an appointment at the following phone numbers +52 442 221 5031 or +52 442 211 5232. Likewise "EFD" may refuse to grant access, make changes, cancellation and / or oppose according to the Article 34 of the “Federal Law on Personal Data held by individuals and its regulations”. "EFD" may disclose the personal information of the “USER” if case of a requirement of the authority that will force "EFD" to disclose such information; In addition, "EFD" can use the information provided by the "USER" if necessary to protect its rights.
"USER" may request cancellation of promotional mailling at the following address:
"USER" may request cancellation of promotional mailling at the following address: